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Friday, June 16, 2006

Those Wacky Baptists

Fundamentalism (of any kind) is an interesting (and scary) thing. The Southern Baptist Convention is heralding some of their recent proclamations. I found this one especially interesting

The resolution dealing with alcohol use by SBC members not only expressed opposition to the drinking of alcohol but also stipulated that no one who does so may be elected to serve with any entity of the denomination.

A messenger from Florida spoke against the anti-alcohol resolution. I do not think that we can be more holy than Jesus Christ, he said. Christ turned water into wine. If indeed, as we have said, this is a matter of Christian liberty, then we cannot at the same time say that this is a matter of righteousness.?

Another messenger, however, encouraged support of the measure from a personal perspective. "I spent two years and seven months in prison, and it all started with drinking beer when I was eight years old," the delegate said. "I think that we as Southern Baptists " but, more importantly, we as Christians " need to take a stand against something that's destroying our nation."

The resolution passed. Jesus would have been prohibited from serving in the SBC. What will they think of next?


Joe Meert

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Florida Rejoices about Test Results

The news from the state of Florida was largely positive in regards to the most recent scores from the FCAT exam. Grades improved for most schools and the Governor (Jeb Bush) praised the results. While the news has been viewed as positive, I think it's important to realize exactly where Florida stands in the grand scheme of education. Most importantly, I think it's critical to examine this positive news in terms of science education in the State.
Florida boasts the Kennedy space center, Scripps Institute, several major land and sea grant universities in addition to many leading technological industries. Despite the science all around us, the Fordham Institute gave the state an "F" for its science standards last year. In terms of science education, Florida lags behind many other states in the Union. The scores on the Science part of the FCAT were also disappointing. Florida may boast about higher FCAT scores, but it should hang its head in shame when it comes to science education.
Fortunately, the science standards come up for review next summer and there is an ongoing effort by numerous organizations to see that the next time we are evaluated our science standards move up to "A" level. It's a first step in turning education in Florida around. For those who are interested in helping in this effort, please consider joining Florida Citizens for Science (http://www.flcfs.org).


Joe Meert

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